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Es werden Posts vom September, 2013 angezeigt.

etherpad on debian 7 with apache and postgresql

I followed these steps: How to Install Etherpad Lite on Debian Wheezy Basicly: install packages for compiling etc get nodejs set up database get etherpad set it up on localhost create init script for to run as service create user and change folder permissions dry run it with that user create virtual host that forwards the local service And changed/added this at the end: a2ensite domain.tld a2enmod proxy a2enmod proxy_http /etc/init.d/apache2 restart

Two "little" time consuming things with postgresql and phusion passenger

First of all, I like these little problems because they make me so much better with dealing with linux. And since its a hobby of mine, I cant really complain. Anyway, it took me a while to figure out that postgresql could not connect via the console because of some settings regarding authorization. Go to your pg_hba.conf and change from peer to md5 and you can login your database with your user and password. ----------------------------------------------------------- The second thing also troubled me a while and I was checking everything, because the log files did tell what was going wrong. passenger was running fine apache2 was set up ok, same with my virtual hosts and rvm was running wonderfully But I could not connect to my virtual hosts. And after a decent research on the internet and after quite a lot of message boards and posts I found the answer: check for the apache2/sites-enabled/default And there it was, these default files overwrote my virtualhosts an

webmin port problems - firefox port protection

I had some trouble setting up my webmin panel, and one thing was firefox with its port protection. Just do the following: about:config as url add string value: network.security.ports.banned.override fill it with a comma seperated list, e.g. just 10000 for webmin And of course the ports must be open or listend at on the server, test this on the server with:   netstat -an | grep :10000 And locally you can also do a nmap your.server.com

wagn on debian 6

wagn is something cool, and this is how I installed it on debian 6.0.7: already had my server setup with apache2, passenger, rvm and postgresql ( howto ) I also installed imagemagick (in case rmagick would work with it) got to your webroot sudo git clone https://github.com/wagn/wagn.git now you have a wagn folder change permissions to have write access, e.g.: sudo chown -R foobar:www-data wagn cd wagn (or whatever foldername you want) I tried, but no, rmagick is not working, so: outcomment rmagick in Gemfile bundle install --without mysql:memcache:test:debug:development:assets bundle exec rake wagn:install change your database.yml to fit your postgresql settings and of course have a working database already set up; wagn does dropping, creating, loading schema so your database user should be granted createdb privileges bundle exec rake wagn:create and you should see the db setting up create a /etc/apache2/sites-available/wagn.domain.com ...with e.g. a virtual host:

debian 6 vserver - a new installation due to centOS update problem - my steps

My centOS vserver broke down after a "yum update" and even the centOS community forum could not give an answer within 24h. In my books that is poor for the almighty and stable centOS. Bare in mind that I am just a normal user of linux, no professional and definitely no expert when it comes to server, but I can read, try and share my findings: debian 6 installation steps via ssh secure your server: adduser foobar for security purposes  change /etc/sshd/sshd_conf to PermitRootLogin no now you can login as foobar and change to root via su - visudo for sudo command permissions and put this at the bottom: foobar   ALL=(ALL) ALL change hostname change hostname in /etc/hostname and in /etc/hosts reboot login via rsa key rather than password locally do ssh-keygen ssh-copy-id -i foobar@hostname... ssh now works without passwords but with keys (for easy deployment) install ruby and rails via rvm login as root always good to have: sudo apt-get install

'new' kid on the block - wagn wiki software

Lately I was looking for a wiki software for storing tips on how to manage a server or setup some rails stuff etc. This blog is nice and fine for that, and also save from me due to some hacks or misconfiguration on my server, but also hard to find. wagn is great because it can arrange bits of data as they come along. With a blog or a typical CMS (refineryCMS is my newest adventure/project) data is structured BEFORE input is made. Have a lock: After installing it locally I was very intrigued by inline editing or the flexible browse through. But soon after that I also struggled creating my own "wagn" rather than leaving it be as default installation. On wagn.org I got help immediately and one of the founders got in contact with me by email. I found an error on the site, and also gave them my steps to install wagn on centOS 6; bottom line is that the software is kind of young, but the company behind is very eager to promote it - licensed with GPL though. So I ins

rails deployment with sqlite3 in production too - cms online AND offline

After starting to use refinerycms I ran into some problems with my settings after deploying my app with capistrano. First of all I was concerned with how the cms would work: somebody does something offline, e.g. coding a view and online somebody is writing a page or creating users How would this go together without dataloss? I ask my question and got some good answers - quick as well: deployment to production with capistrano to vserver - consistency question regarding databases and cms settings - NOT heroku Bottom line was: refinerycms is using files for settings online users will just work with the database, offline users/coders do scripting therefore merging is easy For me it was not that easy at all because I used sqlite3 for developement and production and had to tell capistrano how to keep ONE database alive while rolling out releases: in database.yml production:   adapter: sqlite3   database: /var/www/*****/shared/ production.sqlite3   pool: 5   timeout: